R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse

Written by Frenk Janse

March 23, 2009 | 09:08

Tags: #budget #can #case #feature #r2d2 #star #wars #webcam

Companies: #bit-tech #mod

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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The LEDS in the dome and feet light-up nicely! I experimented with some matte plexi because I thought they were too bright but I didn't like it in the end.

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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In the front of the R2 there is a "coin slot", and having calculated the size from the blue-prints I cut it out from Vikureen polystyrene (a soft thermoplastic).

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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In addition, I also cut some other panels and used a heatgun to get the right curve shape in order to fit them neatly to the can. I came across a problem where the long straight one wouldn't bend like I wanted it to, so I had to change it by cutting strips in the back so it would create a curve.

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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I needed something to hide the front switches - I wanted them stealthed and looking like the rest of the plastic I had stuck to the front so I cut some squares and then an internal rectangle out from half of them.

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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Now for the tricky bit: drilling a 1.4mm drill in the topside of a 2mm polystyrene plate. As you can see, a lot of times it just didn't go so well, but I got there in the end. With four minute little blocks of about 2mm² and a hole in the top plate of 1.4mm, this provided the basis of a hinge. With the top glued on it has provided the stealthed box for the power and reset switches.

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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Next I started painting it up with layers of white paint - after the third layer I added some pinstripes as well.

R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail R2D2 Budget Mod by Frenk Janse Finshing the Detail
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